Required Trainings

Trainings and resources are subject to change. Please review the YES Policy Manual for current training requirements.

Crisis Planning Training Series

This eLearning training consists of 3 modules: Defining Crisis and Safety; The Crisis Cycle; and Creating and Implementing Crisis Plans. At the completion of the training series, learners will have an enhanced understanding of what a crisis is, how people experience and define crisis, when and how we can intervene to help people in crisis, and how to create a plan that is both proactive and reactive to crises. This series meets the training requirement for Crisis and Safety Planning that all YES Waiver staff are required to take prior to providing services to YES Waiver youth and families. Upon successful completion of this eLearning training, you will receive a certificate of completion, but no continuing education is offered.

Critical Incident Reporting (CIR)

This eLearning training consists of 3 modules: Key aspects of Critical Incident Reporting (CIR); Types of Critical Incidents; and Critical Incident Reporting Requirements & Responsible Parties. The CIR training is not meant to be the final authority on critical incident reporting. There are varying expectations and requirements that differ between agencies and are subject to change over time. Thus, this training is meant to serve as a generalized guide to critical incident reporting. The final decision-making process related to critical incident reporting is subject to each individual’s agency of oversight. Upon successful completion of this eLearning training, you will receive a certificate of completion, but no continuing education is offered.


The two eLearning modules on Wraparound (“NWIC: Wraparound Overview” and “NWIC: Team Roles in Wraparound”) are no longer available on this website. They are now located at the Innovations Institute School of Social Work. Please note, you must create an account/login to locate the catalog of trainings which contain the two required eLearning courses.

YES 101

This training contains 1 module and is estimated to take 25 minutes to complete. This training is broken down into four chapters. Chapter 1 will teach you about YES Waiver goals, the history of the program, and eligibility requirements. Chapter 2 covers service delivery, provider selection, the participant enrollment process, and important resources for successful implementation. Chapter 3 explores each service included in the YES Waiver service array. Chapter 4 walks through what the program looks like for youth and families and explores your role in the process. You’ll be reviewing these chapters in order. Upon successful completion of the course, you will earn a certificate of completion, but no continuing education credit is offered.

Additional Required Trainings

General Training

All staff, including direct service staff, as well as all layers of leadership with oversight of the YES Waiver program at a WPO, CWP, or subcontractor agency must complete the trainings listed below. For more information, see the Required Training section in the YES Policy Manual.

DFPS Trauma Informed Care

HIPAA Training

Reporting of Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation

Crisis and Safety Planning

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Training

Restraint and Restrictive Interventions (in-person)

First Aid and CPR Certification

Wraparound In-person Training

In addition to the trainings above, Wraparound Supervisors and Facilitators must also complete the following trainings within the timelines listed in the YES Policy Manual:

Introduction to Wraparound

Engagement Training

Intermediate Wraparound

Advanced Supervisor Training *Required for Supervisors

Additional information and dates for these in-person trainings can be located on the Innovations Institute School of Social Work webpage.

CANS Training

Staff involved in conducting the YES Assessment (CANS) must be trained and certified in the use of the CANS assessment tool. CANS administrators must re-certify in accordance with requirements specified by the Praed Foundation.

The John Praed Foundation – CANS Training and Certificate