Privacy Policy
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission is committed to making our website accessible to all users. We test our websites using several tools and we review content regularly to ensure compliance with these state and federal laws:
- Texas Administrative Code Title 1, Part 10, Chapter 206, State Web Sites
- TAC Title 1, Part 10, Chapter 213, Electronic and Information Resources
- Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
If you are a person with a disability and are having problems accessing any of the content on this site, please contact:
Mike Moore
HHSC Electronic Information Resource Accessibility Coordinator
Phone: 512-438-3431
People who are deaf or hard of hearing can use 7-1-1 or the relay service of their choice.
Please include the following in your email:
- URL of the content that you are trying to access
- The nature of the problem that you are encountering
- Your contact information
Additional information about accessibility programs in Texas is available from the Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities.
Copyright / Disclaimer
HHSC provides information via this website as a public service. This site contains links to other sites.
All of the information provided is believed to be accurate and reliable; however, HHSC assumes no responsibility for any errors appearing in rules or otherwise. Further, HHSC assumes no responsibility for the use of the information provided.
Unless otherwise noted on an individual document, file, or home page, HHSC grants permission to copy and distribute files, documents and information for non-commercial use, provided that the information is copied and distributed without alteration.
In administering its programs, HHSC does not discriminate, directly or through contractual or other arrangements, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, political belief or religion. HHSC in an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
- HHS Ethics Policy (PDF)
- HHS Ethics Brochure: Acceptance of Benefits (PDF)
- Send an email to
HHSC encourages organizations that link to this Internet site to comply with the provisions of the State Web Site Linkand Privacy Policy, especially regarding protection of the privacy rights of individuals, and to make reasonable efforts to provide accessible sites.
Website Privacy and Security Statement
Copying and Use of Information by Website Owners Linking to HHSC Sites
HHSC asserts its copyright on all content it creates. Unless otherwise noted on an individual document, file, web page or other website, HHSC grants permission to copy and distribute information on its website for noncommercial and nonprofit use, as long as all the following conditions are met:
- The content remains unaltered.
- The information does not imply that either it, as it is presented on your website, or you are endorsed by the state.
- The information is accompanied by a statement that neither it, as it is presented on your website, nor you are endorsed by the State of Texas or any state agency.
- The information identifies HHSC as its source and gives the HHSC web address and the date the information was copied from the HHSC website.
HHSC may not charge a fee to access, use or reproduce information on its website or to link to information on its website. To protect our intellectual property rights, copied information must reflect our copyright, trademark, service mark or other intellectual property rights.
What Site Owners May Not Do in Linking to State Agency Websites
A site owner may not:
- Capture state agency pages within the site owner’s frames.
- Present state agency website content as that of the site owner.
- Misinform users about the origin or ownership of the content of the state agency website.
- Otherwise misrepresent the content of the state agency pages.
Any link to a state agency site should be a full forward link that passes the client browser to the state agency site unencumbered. The BACK button should return the visitor to the site owner’s site if the visitor wishes to back out.
Reciprocal Links
The HHSC website does not enter into reciprocal link agreements. We provide links to sites that are appropriate to our mission. Our creation of a link to your site does not obligate you to provide a link back to the HHSC site, but you are, of course, welcome to do so in compliance with this linking policy. We always appreciate a note telling us of new links to our site. Send link information to the HHSC webmaster.
Links from the HHSC Website
HHS uses cookies for some activities, like searches and website analytics. However, no personally identifiable information is stored on either the visitor’s or HHS computers.
You can setup your browser to let you know when a cookie is received. You can view or delete existing cookies. You can stop your browser from accepting new cookies. You can also disable cookies altogether.
Collection and Use of Information
HHS, like all governmental bodies in Texas, is subject to Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code, also known as the Texas Public Information Act. The Texas Public Information Act creates a presumption that all information collected and maintained by a governmental body is public information that is available to members of the public who request it. Accordingly, in most circumstances, the law will require HHS to release to the public the information collected about visitors to its website if the information is requested.
Although the law will usually require HHS to release information collected about visitors to its website, HHS does not automatically collect any personal information. For site management functions, information is collected for analysis and statistical purposes. This information is not reported or used in any manner that would reveal personally identifiable information. We use log analysis tools to create summary statistics, which are used for purposes such as assessing what information is of most interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas.
HHS uses Google Analytics. However, no attempt is made to match this information with the identity of the visitor, except as is required to comply with a law enforcement investigation.
The only personal information that HHS obtains about website visitors is the information the visitors provide when they communicate with the agency through the website. State law makes your email address confidential in most circumstances. However, website visitors who wish to communicate with HHS through the website should keep in mind that the law may require the agency to release most of the other information they provide if the information is requested through the Texas Public Information Act.
GovDelivery, Inc.
HHS contracts with a company called GovDelivery, Inc., to provide email updates. When you sign up for email updates, you are giving your information to both HHS and GovDelivery. When HHS has your information, it is subject to HHS’s privacy policy. When GovDelivery has your information, it is subject to their privacy policy. Click here to go to the GovDelivery privacy policy(link is external).
Request for Records
Anyone may ask for any information about themselves collected by HHS. This request should be put in writing and mailed, hand-delivered, faxed or emailed to HHS. Consult the Public Information Policy and Procedures for more details about how to ask HHS for information.
Request to Correct Information
Individuals may also ask HHS to correct information it collects about them. A request to correct information must be in writing and must:
- identify the individual asking for the correction;
- identify the information that is allegedly wrong;
- state why the information is wrong;
- include any proof that shows the information is wrong; and
- provide information that will allow HHS to contact the subject of the information.
A request to correct information should be sent to the portion of HHS with whom the subject of the information does business. Anyone who does not know where to send a request to correct information should call 2-1-1 or 877-541-7905 (toll-free). People who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired should call 7-1-1 or 800-735-2989 (toll-free).
For site security purposes and to ensure that the site remains available to all users, HHS uses software to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. Except for authorized law enforcement investigations, no other attempts are made to identify individual users or their usage habits. Raw data logs are used for no other purposes. Unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information on this site are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Texas Penal Code Chapter 33 (Computer Crimes) or 33A (Telecommunications Crimes).
Third Party Content
HHS is not responsible for the privacy policies, or lack of policies, in place at any site linked to or from the HHSC site and not within the domain of